樱桃酒心巧克力 - Mieszko - Cherrissimo Cherries in Alcohol (Poland)

去Langkawi时,伴侣曾买过一盒酒心巧克力,送给我的父亲,也买了一片酒心巧克力,送给我。酒心巧克力在巧克力内,裹入了烈酒的酒浆。吃一口,爆浆口中,就让人迷醉,深深怀念。这天,他再次买了酒心巧克力给我。开心到可以飞上树啦。这回买的,是Mieszko牌子的樱桃酒心巧克力,含有Rum, White Wine和Amaretto三种烈酒酒心,也含有整颗樱桃呢!$9.80一盒,包装精美,一共两层,每层12粒。打开锡纸,放在眼前端详,又放到鼻子前嗅一阵——光看着,就很诱惑。轻轻咬下去,浓浓的烈酒溢出,逗弄着舌尖,十分香醇。巧克力香、酒香融化在口中。还有酒渍樱桃,真舍不得吃下去。一点一点地品,吃完后,余香满口,人间极品啊!

Mieszko  - Cherrissimo Cherries in Alcohol is incredibly charming for me. It costs $9.80 per box. Each box contains three flavors, rum, white wine and amaretto. When the alcohol burst in the mouth, the richness of the chocolates and the alcohol is pairing so well.  Every sip of it make me feel like I am in the heaven. Not saying the drunken cherries that soaked in alcohol, I could hardly say no to this chocolate.




