黑巧克力 - 100年的巧克力品牌 Haigh's Chocolates - Dark Scorched Almonds (Australia)

新年期间,妹妹从澳洲带回一些Haigh's Chocolates,有不同口味的。她说,是朋友推荐的,非常好吃,只是价格不便宜。我们尝试了一个口味的,就离开了。剩下的留给父母。月前回家,发现冰箱里还有一包,截止日期快到了,却没有开封。原来,是杏仁巧克力,共200g。爸爸无牙,不能吃,妈妈不爱巧克力,也不吃。这样一来,巧克力就跟我回来了。巧克力不会太甜,咬下去,有整颗杏仁香脆的。这让人很容易停不了口,一口接一口,这么一包,我吃没几天就完了。

My sister brought back a few packets of Haigh's Chocolates from Australia. According to her friend, the Haigh's Chocolates taste really great. Haigh's Chocolates is Australia's oldest family owned chocolate maker. They have been making chocolate in Adelaide, South Australia since 1915. However, my mum doesn't like to eat chocolates and my dad has difficulty in chewing the crunch of almonds contained in the chocolates. So, I am the one who benefiting from my sis's purchased. I like that the chocolate taste rich but not too overly sweet, and the crunchy whole almond inside each chocolates make me feel just right.


